Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sharply Dressed for Sharper Minds

Thank you to all who were able to join us for our event in March! It was a beautiful night for PATH Foundation friends and family to get to know each other a bit better. We auctioned off some fantastic items from Tincati Menswear, Kusmi Teas, and LoveNatureNYC.

Grammy Award winner, Miri Ben-Ari gave an amazing performance for our intimate audience. If you don't know who she is already, check her out! She really exemplifies health and beauty, inside and out, and we were very excited to have her with us. We look forward to seeing more of her (hint, hint...keep watch for another opportunity to see her perform for PATH Foundation NY in the Fall).

All in all, it was a great night sharing about the Foundation's recent publications and upcoming plans. If you weren't able to make it, we missed you! We hope to see you at the next PATH Foundation event, but until then please consider making a donation to keep our work alive. Our contributions to medical science are made possible by the generosity of individuals and organizations that share our vision of hope for the future, for a healthy country.

PATH Foundation NY on Bronxnet TV

In our efforts to get the conversation going about the importance of brain health, 
Eric R. Braverman, MD sat down with Daren Jaime at OPEN to discuss our latest publication. A large part of our organization's mission is to get our community thinking about taking care of their brain at least as much as they do the rest of their organs.  

Do you visit your primary care physician for a check-up every year? Every couple of years?

They check your lungs with a stethoscope, your heart with blood pressure/cholesterol/weight, your liver with an enzyme test, your ears, nose, and throat with an ophthalmoscope. 
Do you get your teeth checked with a dentist twice a year?
Do you visit your eye doctor every couple years? 

When is the last time your had your brain checked?
Your memory? Your processing speed?

The brain is the most vital organ we have and it deserves much more attention. 
Serving as the control center for our entire body, our brain has enormous responsibility. 
Whether it is processing incoming information from our 5 senses, sending messages to control your movement, or handling your emotions, this organ is busy. Luckily, our president Obama and the NIH have recognized the lack of focus on our brain in healthcare and has launched the BRAIN initiative. We look forward to the breakthroughs this project will bring.